luni, 22 septembrie 2008

Beauty cocoon

In Bucharest, like in a relationship, there are only two sides: numb or extatic. You either love it or you hate it and there's no middleway.
Since Bucharest isn't objectively considered beautiful (if we let aside the bohemian, feminine, corny stuff that would make any homie a disguised prince), we tend to embrace the numb side.
But when it comes to beautiful men, is the same attitude a faux pas? Is numb a politically correct veux pas?

I came across this intriguing concept of the " modeliser" which defines someone who only dates a model, whether it is a fetish or a personal choice. But what if beauty has a fairly poor effect? Or what if we have the reversed misconceptions?
Do we spontaneously associate beauty with shallow and block our brains from there on? Is being a woman the implicit vote against out-of-this-world beauty?
I say having flaws is increasing the attraction for pure beauty, as a confirmation of a person's balance as a whole. May we not be gorgeous, but look, we have the moves and the witty lines and the touch. Whereas models have physics laws of their own, where plus beautiful rejects plus beautiful and since they don't date eachother, every now and then they give in to us, mortals.

Still, to me, models and their surreal esthetics are a loop in reality. One that makes me numb by defying my world's gravity. Cause in real life, we have our own physics and minus beauty attracts minus beauty.

11 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

I didn't understand any of that !!1 :) all that i understand is my mind fetishing the rss for every teapot article.

O spunea...

mamă ce m-am speriat când am văzut cocon acolo. am crezut că menţionezi coşu. fiuf.

le petit mouton spunea...

scumpa, stimata, nestemata,

mi-a placut mult,
in linba lui shakespeare esti mai adunata
mi-a placut mult

Teapot spunea...

@my favourite tango : deep down, every single post has a hidden wish: to become a fetish in your mind. every now and then, teapot makes dreams come true.

@octv: fii pe pace, nu era vorba despre chestiuta aia a ta. pentru ca vezi tu... nu era vorba despre tine.

@ ma plus petite mouton (da, te-am feminizat, ai parul roscat, poti sa ma judeci?): ma gadili, zau, i'll giggle. thank you.

Anonim spunea...

te-a comentat mutoana...e un vis implinit...recunoaste :))

Teapot spunea...

helăăă. Ai uitat partea in care păstrăm apatenţele, în special tu? Party pooper. Şi că veni vorba, stiu cel putin o petrecere la care nu o să ne hăhăim. Bummer.

diana spunea...
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diana spunea...
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diana spunea...

Tocmai mi-am dat seama: esti Carrie Bradshaw!
omg. it hit me so hard. citeam postu'asta si ma simteam ca si cand m-as fi uitat la un episod din "sex and the city".ii auzeam vocea ei citind si parca vedeam ecranul ei pe masura ce isi scria rubrica.
know I want what I want you to be. it's not a matter of what You want..

P.S.:I suck at writing comments!!!

roxana spunea...

Salut! Da-mi te rog un mail cu contactele tale. Am o propunere interesanta!

Teapot spunea...

@ roxana : ma gasesti oricand la adresa de mail