vineri, 3 octombrie 2008

Games to be lost

In Bucharest, demographic studies show that there are 8 women to one man. Which means each guy is swimming in a range of 8 women of his own, letting aside the other women they can steal from other men's ration.
In this case, how come us, women, are the ones who keep picking the wrong guys? In a world where you can't afford making the same mistake twice, not even once, in this world where we get half a chance, how do we end up misinterpreting the poor signals we get?
Are our brains all set for the great encounter so we see romance in every glimpse exchanged in the subway? Are we so eager to find the real deal that we fantasize our minimal, down-to-earth experiences? Are fairytales instead of conserving our innocence actually manipulating our perceptions?
On the other hand, are men sending not only mixed messages, but two hundred and six messages? In the heat of the game, are they trying to put their hands on a bit more than a handful of women?

In the end, are they all players or are we all delusional?

I say the only games out there are the ones we tolerate. Our minds may be twisted by the mixture of friendship, erotism and romance, but to be truthful, we let them win. We see things easily slipping away and we send no dragon to chase them into what we'd like. Cause in the end, how many single, cute and witty men are there left? What, five?

2 comentarii:

O spunea...


Dans les yeux d'Émilie spunea...

sugar, mie cateodata mi se pare ca inlocuiesc realitatea cu proiectiile astea romantice.
oh well, si poate totusi 10. 11, daca pui la socoteala si fantoma lui oscar wilde ce bantuie prin zona.